Gleitschirm Direkt

Set: "Phi SYMPHONIA 2" 2023
Set: "Phi SYMPHONIA 2" 2023
6.895,00 € 5.723,00 €
This set contains: Phi paraglider Symphonia 2, Advance harness Success 5, Independence rescue NG light, Supair helmet Pilot
Complete set: Nova AONIC 2024
Complete set: Nova AONIC 2024
6.248,00 € 5.185,00 €
This set contains: Nova paraglider Aonic, Nova harness Ventus, Independence rescue NG light, Independence helmet Hi-Tec
Set: "BODYGUARD 7" 2023
Set: "BODYGUARD 7" 2023
5.374,00 € 4.460,00 €
This set includes: Papillon paraglider bodyguard 7, Papillon harness Genius, Independence rescue Annular Evo, Independence helmet Hi-Tec
Set: "FLY" Skywalk MESCAL 6 2023
Set: "FLY" Skywalk MESCAL 6 2023
5.845,00 € 4.849,00 €
This set includes: the Mescal 6, the allround harness Skywalk PermAir Line, the reserve SQR from Advance and the helmet Icaro Nerv.
PHI Symphonia 2 light
4.920,00 €
Set: "Papillon RAQOON" 2024
Set: "Papillon RAQOON" 2024
5.635,00 € 4.620,00 €
This Set includes: Papillon Gleitschirm Raqoon, Woody Valley Gurtzeug Wani 3, Independence Rettung NG light, NEO Flughelm Hexagon
Set: "Advance ALPHA 7" 2023
Set: "Advance ALPHA 7" 2023
5.965,00 € 4.949,00 €
This set includes: Alpha 7, Success 5, the rescue Advance SQR 100 and the helmet Supair Pilot