Gleitschirm Direkt

Buyer's Guide Harnesses

Apart from the Paraglider, the harness is the most important piece of equipment. 

When choosing a harness, make sure that it offer optimum comfort during long flights and highest possible security. Seat board length, back length and width of the harness must be chosen to match the stature of the pilot. These factors are more important than design or brand. 


The various sizes are hard to distinguish at first sight: 

Long seat board - short back, long seat board - long back, short seat board - short back, short seat board - long back, the whole thing with a wide or narrow cut ... 

If a well-fitting harness is found, there is still the question whether the protection concept is what you demand. Pay special attention on the implementation of the rescue system. You have to be able to handle it without any problems and reach it easily from any position. 

Most pilots will opt for a harness that fits good to them and that provides as much protection as possible from takeoff to landing. Foam protectors or a combination of foam and air bag are the standard here.

For special requirements, there are special harnesses. Climbers sometimes choose minimalist harnesses and thereby trade weight against protection. Competition pilots place great emphasis on maximum aerodynamic efficiency, as offered by reclining harnesses.


How do you find "your " harness now? 

Ideally with professional advice. You save time and money because you are not risking an expensive bad buy. The Papillon Shop on the wasserkuppe offers you Europe's largest selection of harnesses. Besides the models constantly available in the shop, practically all models of all major manufacturers are available.

Even if the harness should not prove perfect for you after your first flight, you can exchange it, thanks to our 100 % satisfaction guarantee, until you have found your perfect harness!


Warning: Light Harnesses usually offer less back protection than harnesses with foam protectors. Competition and reclining harnesses are much more demanding with less passive safety in flight. Therefore, these harnesses are only recommended for absolute experts.


Protector Types 


Harnesses with foam protectors offer the best protection and are therefore the best choice for all pilots who value maximum security. According to the Papillon training standards, Papillon flight training takes place exclusively with modern foam protected harnesses. 


Harnesses with a combination of foam - and airbag protection reach their maximum protection only when the air bag is completely filled.

Especially in the initial phase of the start maximum protection would be desirable, however, harnesses with airbag protection offer effective protection only when the bag is filled. The weight saving, therefore, is at the expense of safety. 

Ohne Schutz

Harnesses without protector offer virtually no protection on hard landings or crashes. Pilots must be aware of this risk when using such a harness, for example, in the alpine sports.


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