The rucksack Daybag is light and compact.
99,00 €
The FlexBag is flexible and can be used according to any preference.
from 49,00 €
All Paragliders benefit from being folded carefully to maintain the shape of the leading edge. Paragliders with Rigifoil should always be concertina packed. This prolongs the life of the glider and preserves its flight characteristics.
66,00 €
Light, ergonomic, durable
315,00 € Weight 1.285 kg
Nova Daypack
59,00 € *
Ideal for hike ’n fly use with lightweight gliders
125,00 € Weight 0.2 kg
The Comfort Bag is evolving!
from 130,00 €
sac rapide to open, stuff and close
75,00 € *
83,00 € * Weight 0.6 kg
the GYPSY fastback bag is designed to gather your wing quickly into an easy to carry
159,00 € 150,00 €