Gleitschirm Direkt

Set: "Arak Air" 2022


Skywalk Arak Air, Woody Valley GTO light und Quadro light

6.098,00 €
7.260,00 €
* All prices incl. tax, plus shipping

Set "Arak Air"Unit price
ParagliderSkywalk Arak Air4.300 €
HarnessWoody Valley GTO light 21.730 €
RescueWoody Valley Quadro light1.080 €
Total 7.110 €
Papillon Set price5.970 €

The ARAK Air is easy to handle, offers great performance and above all: lots of flying fun! These characteristics make it a real all-rounder and thus the perfect companion for all those who like to travel in X-Alps style.

The Woody Valley GTO light 2 is ideal for hike & fly and cross country flying.

Matching: the extra-light rescue system Quadro light, also from Woody Valley.

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Skywalk Arak AirSkywalk Arak Air
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